Day 3

Kilometers: 0

Highlight: art museum

Favorite Food: royal salmon & beans


Location Item Local US$
Cafe Comedie asiette de fromage, cafe38FF
Contemporary Artamazing Asian art 0FF
Cheminee Royale fish soup, salmon, pie, wine132FF
Hotel Lion 1/3 small room, shower 45FF
Total 215FF 35.8

Hotel Boulan
After I sized up the trunk of the car, I realized that I would get no rest atop my bicycle wheels. After wondering around a bit, I found a hotel for only 120FF which is cheaper than many youth hostels in France. The room was quite nice for the price. I could not change the station on the TV, so I was stuck watching some American police drama which I have never even seen in America. It seemed even worse dubbed into French, and I wondered why the culturally superior French would import such crap. I could not sleep well, so I read some more of Arthur C. Clarke's 3001, which I picked up in the airport at Amsterdam. This is a vacation. I haven't had much time to read for pleasure since I started college (ironic?), so this is a real treat.

St. Andre
I woke up quite late again despite my attempts to adjust to the time zone. I showered and checked out in time to catch the end of mass at this beautiful cathedral next door. I felt a little bad being a tourist dropping in on their ceremony, but then I remembered all the Western tourists that I have often seen devouring Buddhist temples in Asia. Does that make it right? Anyway, I took no pictures, but was impressed, as always, at the extravagance people lavish their gods.

I found one of the few establishments that was open on this Sunday afternoon. I ordered a six dollar plate of cheese and bread which made a decent lunch. This time I ordered the coffee at the end. Despite more effort to use French, the waiter was not very impressed or helpful (a sharp contrast from the evening meal).

Museum of Contemporary Art
The car was still parked across the street, and the museum was open this time. I asked the woman the price in French, but I had no idea what the reply was. Someone explained that it was free today. The exhibits were rather intriguing comments on the modernization of Asia. It is exactly the kind of stuff I think of on my own travels and in daily life. I was quite happy to see everything, even if it was a day late.

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