Day 8

Kilometers: 300

Highlight: talking to garage guy

Favorite Food: Pans & Co.


Location Item Local US$
Internet from Spain1.5 hrs email 950PTA
Pans & Co. bocadilla granjero integral, limon, cafe con leche850
Cathedral instrumental cassette1000
Bread Shop pan 350
New Concept yellow pants, size 401500
Las Vent as 3 beds, bath 2853
Total 7500 50

Woke up with the urge to do some webpage work. Midori and Yai were still asleep, so I headed down to this other internet cafe off Plaza Reales. The place had only been open for one week and I think I was the first customer of the day. The webmaster there seemed to be German, but he also spoke Spanish and English quite well. The connection back to the states is never fast through telnet, but I could get some work done. Plus, it was only about US5 per hour, so it is kinda cheap entertainment.

Pans & Co
Americans have the greatest love for chain store, especially restaurants. I guess nobody cares that it makes life more boring and predictable. Anyway, it is always interesting to me to see a chain overseas. Tendon Tempura in Japan is my favorite. Anyway, Pans & Co restaurants can be found in Spain. They serve up subway style bocadillas and other light, cheap food. We had brunch there around one. Ordered three cafe au lait (con leche) for desert and proceeded to spill one all over Yai (my fault- we were doing a Jerry Springer reenactment). Nobody seemed to care too much, and I just asked for more servietas.

We have yet to pay to see anything. No big tourist stuff I guess. Anyway, next week walked passed a big cathedral which I found especially impressive when I was here before. We took the free obligatory walk-through and I pointed out the Black Jesus and Mary altar to the girls. Out front there was a group playing instrumental music. They don't seem to have any original songs, but their rendition of Sounds of Silence was enough to make me buy their casette. Something new to listen to in the car.

More Shopping
Midori stopped in another lingerie store somewhere. She claims that nothing fits her in the States, so she wanted to buy here. Women's Secret. Then we went into New Concept, which was going out of business (my kinda place). In our quest to somehow look more European, we both bought yellow (yes, yellow) pants.

Garage Manhattan
After some more walking and a subway ride, we made it back to the car. The price for an overnight was a bit high, but it was worth it. I spent the next twenty minutes or so talking to the man of the garage. First I was just asking directions to the highway. Then he started advising me about where to travel in Spain. He advised that the northern coast would be nice. Like the manager the other day, he explained how the atmosphere in central Spain is different. The coast is somehow richer and the people are happier. Anyway, we decided to head north toward the area of the Basques.

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