Day 16

Kilometers: 0 (no car anymore)

Highlight: chatting with Nicole

Favorite Food: marzoquitas de maiz


Location Item Local US$
El Mercat laundered all clothes450
Main Poste3 big letters, 2 postcards690
Ayuntamientopaella special menu, lemon mouse1000
Subs tuna bocadillo, marzoquitas, Fanta600
Hostal del Rinconhalf of double w/Midori 1400
Total 4140 27.60

Laundry and Post
I tried to get up relatively early again today, because the bike trip requires an early schedule. Took the laundry over to a place next door. Midori and I stuffed as much as we could into one washer and they guy promised it would be done before they closed at two. When we went back, we found that all of our whites had turned to pink, thanks to my good old Thai Coca Cola shirt (third time?). Sent some more stuff from the post office and found the same woman still there asking for money.

Wandering Around
Met up with Midori again for a late lunch. We picked a place with a cheap menu del dia. It turned out the fish was pretty bad, but we filled up. Got to watch a little of the Japan versus Croatia soccer match on TV. Japan ended up down 0-1. Spent more time looking for an internet connection somewhere. We had heard that the department store, El Corte Ingles, might have something. However, they were very confused by my inquiry and only sent us back to the same place that we tried yesterday-- closed weekends.

We retired to the room to rest, bothered worn out by the heat. I started to pack my stuff up for the bike trip and soon realized that I have too many books. One for Spanish, French, Turkish, Japanese, and also five novels, two in Japanese. I walked across the hall to offer them to a girl who had been reading all afternoon. "20-2","

I should have known that it would be an Australian. We have made a game out of guessing which backpackers are Australian. Nicole looked like she had been on the road for a while, one sign. It turns out she has been going for over four months. Amazingly she speaks French, Spanish, and some Japanese. Very swift girl. Midori and I ended up going out for subs with her. We traded some travel stories and talked about life in general. It is amazing how many like-minded people there are in the world. If you stay in hostels too long, you begin to think that everyone is a long-term traveler looking for some answer to the question.

I felt better knowing that Midori would have someone to hang out with the next couple days before she moves on to France. The trip went well overall. We had no special objective or schedule. We ended up going a lot more places than I thought we would. Used too much gas. Didn't spend as much time studying the Roman and Moor history of Spain as I would have liked. I guess there will be time for Rome in Rome. Until then...

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