World Wide Hits

If you really like statistics, you might like to know how many hits I have gotten on this account over the last year or so. I don't claim that they are accurate or mean very much, but this is what my ISP tells me. I know that some periods were inflated by my editing the pages and whatnot, but I really can't explain other variations. It is kinda nice to look at and know that someone does see all this stuff. Enjoy.

Hits per month starting on the 12th of the month and continuing about 30 days.

Year Month Hits Kilobytes
1996 August 607 17302
Sept 333 12744
Oct 370 4934
Nov 1190 14462
Dec 966 18522
1997 Jan 968 17468
Feb 821 19860
Mar 821 19861
April 1488 25361
May 964 15239
June 1280 30167
July 1613 28319
August 1633 29500
Sept 3077 35499
Oct 3160 33037
Nov 3816 33700
Dec 2921 23615
1998 Jan 4951 47878
Feb 3389 27265
Mar 3499 28290