
The Tradition

Every year about this time there is a Festival of Lights in Peoria, Illinois. For many families in that area, this means gathering together into the station wagon for an evening of fun in the big city. For a group of high school students from LeRoy , Illinois it is an excuse to escape from life for a few precious hours. And so, back in December of 1991, eight of us piled into a van and headed out for a night of fun.

The Van

Since this was such a special night, we could not use just any vehicle to set out on our journey to Peoria. Through the goodness of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wesbecher we were able to commandeer a relatively new Ford Aerostar Van on that first fateful night. This is not just any Aerostar, but an Eddie Bauer Limited Edition classic piece of machinery. Some of the features on this puppy include an on-ship computer that tells average as well as current gas mileage, average speed in miles or kilometers per hour, altitude, travel time, and distance from the Holy Land. It also boasts front and rear air conditioners, but they do not come in handy so much at this time of year. At any rate, this was the original vehicle, and so the tradition stands...

The People

As I said, the people involved were all classmates of LeRoy High School. In fact, these were some of the best that the class of 1993 had to offer. Past participants include Rich Lykins, Megan Sowerby, Merry Wilson, Jason Hall, Kris Wesbecher, Carrie Kline, Kim Epperson, Neely Steege, Scott Bailey, Clint Kehoe. All have since moved on to better things, but when this time of year rolls around, they get an itch for that trip to Peoria.

The Festival

Essentially, there is some kind of parade of Christmas-light-lit floats that goes on some weekend. Following the parade, the floats are left on display for holiday gawkers. Many other locations in town are aglow with Christmas cheer. It never seemed to matter much whether the lights were any good, we just enjoyed the moment. Often we miss some of the attractions (like the Enchanted Forest or Philipi's Something Something) because we have spent too much time screwing around. However, a closed attraction never seems to dampen our holiday spirits.


Since we are always in such good moods, we can never help but bust into song at some point during the night. The vehicle's pilot, Rich Lykins (lovingly referred to as Clark), and co-pilot, Aaron Bishop, traditionally lead the singing. One year we even tried to get into Gisepi's Something Something for free by singing to the gatekeepers in our best voices. In, the end they charged us double for giving them trouble, but we didn't mind.

This year's celebration

This year's reenactment of that sacred night is sadly plagued by mishap and rumors. First, Miss Wesbecher will be in Appalachia delivering gifts to the poor (what's up with that?), so it seems we may have trouble securing the tradition mode of transportation. Furthermore, many of the past participants are still bickering over a mix-up with the invitations a couple years back. Please help us preserve this tradition! This home page is an open invitation to all past participants and their friends. The tentative date was Thursday, December 21st. However, I think those at Augustana had a problem with that, so we are now considering December 23rd or 24th. I think Christmas Eve would be fun, but I don't know if any of you have special traditions for that night. So check your calendars now; if you would like to attend or need to request a date-change, please contact Rich Lykins. We are still searching for a vehicle too. Let's all band together to ensure that this year's celebration is the best one yet. "And God bless us...every one"

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