Happy Holidays

The basic holiday thing to do is to sit and ponder what has passed and what is yet to come. I don't know about you, but I consider myself pretty lucky. Things are going well, I have my health, and I have my friends. That's all that counts, right. So, my wish to you is that you will continue to enjoy all of these gifts and appreciate them for what they are.

As far as things to come...well, I am a firm believer in setting goals. Most of us forget our New Years Resolutions before the second week of the new year. Still, I am amazed at how many of my goals I have managed to achieve. I never would have made it if I hadn't "dared to dream" as they say. So, go ahead and set a lofty goal for the coming year. Always try to make yourself and the world a little better, and some day we will truly see an improvement (I hope).

Good luck in all your endeavors, and if you hit an especially difficult obstacle, I'll be happy to try to help you over come it. "God bless us, every one."