Today's Stats: 0km, just walking | Today's Route: Krakow sightseeing | Favorite Sign:
go play in the street | Favorite Food: poppy seed cake with walnut sauce | |
Wawel Cafe | water, Mtn Dew | 5 |
Kazimiercx Courtyard | spinach soup, fried pieroggi, Franziskaner beer | 30 |
Post Office | package to Japan | 50 |
Town Hall Tower | walk upstairs | 5 |
Platx Redd | Pilsener Urquel beer | 8 |
Manuel | 1hr internet | 3 |
Camera Cafe | poppy seed cake, Irish coffee | 25 |
Janexim Apt | dbl rm w shower | 65 |
![]() We walk to Wawel Hill where rulers live for over 500 years in this castle. The cathedral is quite dark inside and appears to be a hodgepodge of architecture on the outside. The grounds are very picturesque so we decide to take a beverage break and cool off.
Due to our huge lunch, we opt to have "gourmet" desserts and coffee for supper. My kind of
meal, and it is quite nourishing as we begin our bicycling trip tomorrow! Internet use is less than
$1/per hour; you won't find deals like that back in the good ole USA!
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