Expense Summary

Being an accountant at heart, I kept pretty good records of all the money I spent this summer. One of the reasons I do it is because it is like a game almost to see how far I can go on a small amount of cash. This year's travels lasted almost three months, and came to a grand total of almost $4000 including a few extra things here and there. Here is the breakdown by country.

Daily Expenses
Location Days Local US$ US$/Day
Midwest,USA10 200USD 200.00 20.00
Spain by Car16 92,205PTA614.70 38.40
Spain by Bike5 16,725PTA111.50 22.30
France 12 1925.8FF 321.33 26.80
Germany 4 548DM 230.56 57.64
Italy 7 599,700L 338.81 48.40
Austria 3 1106OS 90.66 30.22
Munich,GER3 164DM 94.25 31.42
Hungary 3 11,620Ft 55.33 18.40
Romania 6 714,500Lei82.13 13.70
Turkey 13 49M TL 181.40 14.00
SubTotal 82 ------ 2321.06 28.30
Transport 17-below ------ 1400.00 82.40
Grand Total85days ------ 3721.06 43.80USD

Transport Expenses
Location Mode Local US$
Minneapolis to Madrid NWA plane 400USD 400
Madrid~~~Valencia 1/3,EuropCar rental110
Valencia to Landau net,Trek520 bike75
Landau to Rome Europe Bus 74
Rome to Florence Italian train 27
Florence to Venice Italian train 19
Venice to Salzburg Italian train 41
Salzburg-Munich RoundtripAustrian train 35
Salzburg to Budapest Austrian train 43
Budapest to Oradea Hungarian train 26
Oradea to Brasov Romanian train 6
Brasov to Istanbul Romanian train 31
Istanbul to Ankara Turkish train 15
Ankara to Ordu MetroCo bus 12
Ordu to Adana MetroCo bus 19
Adana to Istanbul MetroCo bus 17
Istanbul to Chicago NWA plane 450USD 450
Total ------ 1400USD

Internet Expenses

Gasoline Price Comparison

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Intro | Spain | Italy | Salz-Mun | Budapest | Romania | Turkey | Summary
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