"Come on guy, give me a smile. It ain't that bad!" Some guy on Green Street yelled out to me as I walked down the street toward the Union and a night full of homework.
"It sucks" I told him, although I was really in a pretty good mood. Some days it really does suck, but I guess I look unhappy even when I am happy. People say that it takes more energy to frown than to smile, but that is a bunch of crap. I find that smiling takes the energy. I generally don't waste my energy, even if I have it.
I really am in a good mood lately, though. Everything picked up on Monday when I got my accy exam back. I was thirty minutes late for class that day due to yet another interview. I was really pretty happy to be late, because it allowed me to put off the bad news longer. I was presently surprised when it was good news. I had managed an "A" on a tough exam.
It is really interesting the way moods can swing. One little event in a day -a caller that hangs up; a rude driver who honks at you; being late to two classes in a row; etc.- can really throw a day off. Things like that can really ruin a day. If something bad happens the next day, you feel like someone (fill in your favorite deity) has a vendetta against you. What does vendetta mean anyway?
Fortunately, this works for good moods too. If a friend notices your hairdo or helps with the dishes, it can really help you through one of those rough days. If we all did one good/nice thing a day, we should be able to make everyone in the world happy (assuming that there are no people doing bad/mean things to cancel out the good ones; maybe we should all do two good/nice things...)
Anyway, being conscious of my own mood swings has prompted me to implement a defense system to protect against threats. I convince myself that all things bad are somehow good (see the analysis of Brica and I breaking up). I promise myself to stay away from mean people. I generally allow time to accomplish what I want. And I usually get my way.
BUT, I just don't understand this job search thing (okay, I don't understand women either, but I am not complaining about that now). I get the grades I want. I go the places I want. I have no disappointments in life. Until I try to get some high-pressure piece-of-shit job at a big company. Okay, I don't know where I am going with this anymore. I should get back to my homework. Anyway, I did go to a company presentation for EDS tonight (free Papa Dels pizza). The travel, flexibility, etc of the job sounded pretty cool. I was relatively excited about the prospects. However, I am sure to screw up somehow at the interview tomorrow. Ah well...