November 13: It's Snowing!


It is a beautiful sight. I went out tonight to take a 7pm exam and was surprised to find the ground completely white. I didn't even know that we were expecting snow. It is plenty cold out there now, but I think the couple inches will melt tomorrow. Anyway, it is nice to have the seasons. Winter in Tokyo seemed kinda empty: cold but no snow.

Had a good week. Sitting at the thursday night computer lab job. I can't believe another weekend is here. I survived. I was up at Quaker for an office visit yesterday. Really nice people. They took me out for lunch at a Japanese place. Sara Lynn had lived in Japan before, so we went out for sushi. We had very interesting conversation. I was very open with her about my agonizing career decision. She was pretty honest with me. She really thinks that Quaker is a good place to start. The people are certainly nice there. Plus, the job meets three of my major requirements: no suits necessary, over three weeks of vacation time, and possibility of riding the bike to work. I had a message from them on the machine today, so I think I may have a job offer. Isn't it fun when things actually work out?

I had to come back today and do this huge group presentation about Saturn Cars. It worked out well. We were the first group to give our final presentation and the prof said "Yeah, this is how it is supposed to go." We had pretty good discussion about the recommendations that we made. I had fun fielding questions and making things up. I think something just comes over you when you put that suit on.

Then there was an exam tonight. I have missed at least half of the classes since the last audit exam. However, I managed to get notes from a friend of a friend and get a little studying in. I think I did all right. Kind of an exam that you can just make up essay answers for.

Finally, there is the coincidence that I ran into this Alice girl this week. I subletted (is that a word) her apartment last summer. That is how we met. Never really talked much. I just thought she seemed like an interesting person. Okay, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but that is not why I rented her apartment. Anyway, so I ran into her again and invited her over for dinner. My social life isn't so pathetic after all. Now I just need to find time to study.

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