March 2: Yai's Birthday


Not much going on these days. Today is Yai's birthday, so I am going to call her tonight. I call someone almost every night lately. I make myself believe that it is "productive" because friends are more important than school or work. However, you really gotta wonder if I am not just a slacker like everyone else. Instead of TV or bars, I listen to music and make telephone calls.

We had our third practice test for the CPA exam on Saturday. It was the hardest one yet. I actually stayed there for the full three hours. I did a lot of educated guessing and hair-pulling. I think that I could have prepared more for it, but it actually worked out all right. I am three for three on scoring 75% or better for the tests. For those keeping score, that means that I am still on track to passing the real exam in May. However, each time I squeak by without studying, it just encourages me to slack off a little more. I am trying to maintain some good study habits, but I get easily distracted lately.

Well, my shift is over already. Later.

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