April 7: One Month to Go!?


So much for spring break. I watched some movies and put in a little time at work, but I didn't accomplish all the catching up that I wanted to do. Last week was a bit of a killer. Not only was I a little sick and behind due to the trip to Colorado, but I also had two visitors from Japan who used my bedroom all week. Anyway, they finally left yesterday, but my life is not exactly back to any kind of normal.

Another friend is moving in today. Mike is already working at Arthur Andersen in St. Louis, but he still has not passed the CPA exam. The company gave him a month off to prepare for the exam. We have exactly one month left (the exam is May 6&7) to get ready. It is kinda good that he is staying at my place, because it will remind me that I need to keep up with my own studying. This time, I am not giving the visitor my bed (hey-he is staying for three weeks or more!), so I should be able to get some sleep.

Things are really shaping up for the Europe trip. I have plans now to meet at least six different friends at different stages throughout the journey. The only problem now is the money. My two stock investments are now down over five hundred dollars. So much for making some quick travel money, eh?

I guess I should put a quick note about Colorado in. It really was a good trip aside from the minor cold that I caught. The sixteen hour drive doesn't seem like much of anything with three or four drivers. I realized that I have driven out there three times in the last four months or so. Anyway, the townhome in Frisco was as beautiful as ever. I spent most of my time in the master bedroom reading a couple books and studying for the coming law exam. I really enjoyed this Japanese book, Norwegian Wood. Unfortunately it is pretty much unavailable in the States, despite an English translation available in Japan. It made me think a lot about relationships and surviving life. I haven't talked about it a lot this semester, but a lot of my old journals just talk about women in my life. Ever since I can remember, I have been looking for a soul mate. Considering my obscure interests and beliefs, it is quite a search. Anyway, lately, I have been thinking that maybe I don't need anyone. It is a rather harsh stance, but the single life, with an occasional fling, is not so bad.

Anyway, so that was Colorado. A little time to think. I would look at the beautiful mountains and wonder why they are more beautiful than the desert or the plains. I know this is a stupid question, but shouldn't nature be pleasing to the outdoor-lover regardless of whether it is a tree-covered mountain or a grass-filled prairie. Anyway, somehow I love the mountains more. I guess that is okay?

I think there is more to say. I had plans to write about how lame these two girls from Osaka were. I was going to write about my social experiments- growing my nails long, wearing purple shoes, writing wacky journals. I want to comment on the 50's beat writers and how they fit into the picture of lame protests against middle class (dare I use the word bourgeois?). BUT, all of that will have to wait for another day.

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