January 16: Omedetou, Resume Workshop

Dear Common-roomers,

It seems like everyone is still asleep from winter-hibernation. All still beddy-byes from the winter cold.. afraid to peek out of the snugness of their fuzzy blankies and big brown teddy bears. It is... afterall, very cold.

I've been having the good fortune of talking to a good number of common-roomers these past few days (with welcome surprises and my own intent). Seems like there's much catching up to do with all of you. So much seem to have happened all together. Regardless, you all seem genki and active.. so I send my best wishes.

Well, Yoko got three job offers over this winter break. She seems set to go back go Japan and work sougoshoku. Good news are something to pass around. :)

I finally got my modem repaired. It's really been a crazy time going to campus to check mail and web browse with netscape 2.0. They don't support java! Arrrghghh. Well, I'm back with a 14,400 and netscape 4.0 to toggle about the info superhighway. So it goes.

As for Workshop... I fear the list isn't going to happen. I don't know if any of you tried getting on through majordomo, (which I haven't tried) but it looks like uclink4 doesn't support multiple mailing list support by users. (which is wacky.. because I was able to do it with my previous account with uclink) So I'll scrap it for now. However, I'm open to proof anyone's writings, so send anything along over the semester. This always seem to be a good idea. :)

School starts Tuesday. I actually can't wait. I'm bored out of my mind right now... and picking up Mishima wasn't exactly a good idea. My physcial state has deteriorated (or got so clean) that my body is repulsed at the very sight of alcohol, coffee, and cigarettes. I don't think I've ever abused the above, nor was I ever in absolute need of them... but it's strange how your body patterns change. It's a state I've had since last November... and with that... I'm trying to read Mishima in old text. (I don't exactly see the logic process of "with that", but I'm sure lit is another vice of mine) Mishima is gay as spades. The man is so right-wing, and so Japanese (they are said to be collective homosexuals by not knowing how to react in front of the opposite sex... they're to comfortable in their segregated state), he's topped the deep end. Understandably, that's what makes him appealing. Miranda's approach is anything less than perfect is not acceptable. My approach is anything near mediocity is absolutely boring. (I guess the acceptability and boring aspect go hand in hand for me)

However, I'm reading "Confessions of the Mask." Some of you read it in class with me in Dodd (Another gay dude -- speaking of gay... is it only me who notice gay men congregating about like vultures? I wonder... as the number of nymphs don't seem to happen enough). Well, that's a real polar extreme for which I will never understand... just as much Mishima ploys with Japan and the self. Anyhow....

Oyabun complains that my emails are too long. They are. It just might be psychobabble, but I figure it's my way of writing my name a thousand times on a piece of paper amid a thousand more "Macarena" and "Bored." Oyabun-bun, kore yonde itara, mata nomi ni ikou ne!

Well, it's about time I get my classes straightened out. Class starts Tuesday, and I don't know what I'm keeping yet... nor have I shopped for books. Senioritis at its best. I'm surely taking modern Japanese lit, and a cognitive psych class. Debating between "consciousness" and "psycho-linguistics." Both of which I am really interested, and I just might take both and commit academic suicide. The amount of reading will top 500 pages a week easily. So I wonder. Regardless, all I need is two more classes. minasama gambatte!


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