World Wide Journals

Living Abroad

Living in La Paz
The journal of one expat living in the capital of Bolivia. A small attempt to enlighten people about real life in one of the most interesting countries in Latin America.

Around Addis Ababa
One visitor's journal about life in the capital of Ethiopia during a two-year assignment with an aid agency. This blog is just about life as enjoyed and observed by one expat.

Australian Winter
An up-and-coming professor of geology is sent to Australia for the summer. However, the fact that it is winter in Albury is only the first surprise that awaits her on the opposite side of the planet...

Valerie's Journal
Valerie lived in Ota City for two years while teaching English to junior high school students. Although she had been to Japan before, she was often surprised by what she saw on the streets...

Japan, Inc.
What's it like for a Japanese-American to work in Japan... for an American company? Eugene uses his unique writing style to tell about (investment bank) work and life in Tokyo...

Reflections of Japan
For his second visit to Japan, Aaron decided to spend one year studying at Waseda University in Tokyo. Living with a family on the east side, Aaron enjoyed many pastimes...

American Stories

Death Row
Hello, my name is Anton Joseph Krawczuk, and I am on Florida's infamous condemned row. I have been appealing my sentence & conviction since May 28, 1992 so it is almost...

Retired People
It's the elusive goal that we all strive for: Early Retirement. Allows you a glimpse into the idylic life of two retired people with a home in Colorado, relatives everywhere, and penchant for travel...

Freshman Auditor
After years of preparation, Aaron has finally gotten that Big Six (Arthur Andersen?) job in the big city. As starting day approaches, he begins to wonder if the corporate life is for him...

Berkeley Psych
You've heard the stories about the wacky students at the University of California at Berkeley? Here are the ramblings of an especially touched member of the psych department...

Super Senior
After a year abroad, Aaron came back to his fifth year at the U. Look into the life of a "super senior" who must readjust to the U.S., find a job, and pass that damn CPA exam...

Japanese in America
There are many things that even Americans don"t understand about their country. Maybe it takes a couple Japanese college students to tell us what life is all about in the USA...

Australian Winter | Valerie's Journal | Japan, Inc. | Japanese in America | Reflecions of Japan | WWShoes
Retired People | Death Row | Freshman Auditor | Berkeley Psych | Super Senior | Frameless