March 30: Wacky Story

Salmon sushi floating on a golden lotus. That's what it's all about. The contrast between the sliky reddish-pink on a golden lotus was just too striking for me to pass up. It came floating down the teacky yellow stream of various mixed juices to invigorate your appetite at a this corner yuppie kaiten-sushi store in high-end San Francisco. Colors galore! The slender Eurasian waiter spoke in a promiscuously high voice insinuating more service than one would ever ask for. Nonetheless, the service was good, and plenty of visual entertainment to capture your attention. The Itamae... the sushi chef... I guess, donned a bright red bandana and red robe looking thing to conjure immense passionate presence before the customer. Who knows what's really behind this establishment, as the purple come-come cat sitting behind him emitted greater presence and demanded more attention than the pretty waitresses wearing "things" resembling strings of slinky secrets.

It was a beautiful day where the drifting clouds evidenced thebrisk breeze sweeping through tthe city of San Francisco before our eyes... through our window. Yes. There is a window ahead of us... and within this past hour, we witnessed an Alpha Romeo, a pair of Rolls Royce (at this day and age), a black Ferrari, and a 50s vintage Mustang breeze before our window. Pretty ritzy place. I forgot why exactly I found myself here... or what exactly brought me here... but I imagine it's the sheer tackiness of the post-modern decor... coupled with the obviously San Franciscan snobby ambience. To be honest, it was the middle aged cashier woman wearing a grey smiling Buddha sweater that drew me into this restaurant. Actually... it was definitely the sweater. How often is it that you encounter a smiling Buddha? It's just that I find it more humorous than coming across a smiling Jesus Christ. Why? The church is constantly in your face for domations. Have you ever been to Sunday mass? I could just see Jesus Christ smiling when you drop your envelope into that donation basket. But a smiling Buddha! It gives more character to his plump figure. Not exactly your Pooh-san, but pretty damn close. The establishment reaked of sin... and I'd say that even Buddha would be smiling at this kind of place.

The place was just screaming with color. Red chefs, yellow wall paper, neon blue counter, and flurescnet pink lamps over our heads. I guess this is what I'd imagine what cabarets in Japan used to be... But the food was surprisingly excllent, and with warm sake... it almost felt as though I was swimming among the flourescence. I've heard plenty about pot brownies, but this is everybody's cup of green tea. It's more enticing than a plain salmon sushi sitting on a golden lotus. And best of all, you really see everything float above ground. I guess it's all about catching them. Flying pink salmon sushi anyone?


The only truth to this story is the sweater.... everything else is actually something else. Don't know if this makes sense, but I'd love to hear feedback. :) Jya ne!

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