Back Home in Colorado


We get the car washed and head for a Disney outlet store. We buy a couple things. Then we head toward Santa Fe and shop at an Indian shopping outlet. We donft buy much there. We then head toward Colorado. The plan was to spend the night in southern Colorado. But the closer we get to home the more anxious we are to get home. So we decide to drive home. But that was a mistake as we run into a terrible ice and snowstorm for a couple hours. Michael and Vanessa call us in the middle of it as they are headed home from a wedding in Chicago. We lose contact with them. We decide to leave the phone in the car as we grab a bite at Downstairs at Erics in Breckenridge. When we get back to the car, Michael had been trying to reach us and thought we ran off a cliff! It is so good to be home after 21 days away.

11-03-02 thru 11-14-02 Frisco CO

We go to church the next day after we get home. The snow is beautiful. We clean and work on the townhome for the next few days. I manage to make arm covers for the couch to cover up the cut that the carpet cleaners did in May. They even look professional. I sign Jack and I up for the Seniors Club. On 11-7 I ride the bus to Park Meadows Shopping Center in Denver with Jackie Boroff on the free seniors shuttle bus. We have a great day. We have lunch together but shop on our own. It snowed hard all day on 11-9, 11-10 & 11-11. I went skiing for the first time in 2 years on 11-12. It was quite scary on the first run which was moguls, but I had a lot of fun after that. I went to a quilt luncheon with Jackie. I met a lot of nice ladies. I hope to join one of Jackiefs three quilting groups. Jackie said I only need to buy a $500 sewing machine. I wish we could just stay here in Frisco but we must start traveling tomorrow and wonft be back till January.

-- Japan Economy | Valerie's Journal | Japan, Inc. | Japanese in America | Reflecions of Japan | WWShoes
Retired People | Death Row | Freshman Auditor | Berkeley Psych | Super Senior | Frameless --