Mother Nature is Confused

It's been so cold in the evenings that I can see my breath. I have resorted to wearing my flannels to bed, I pull the covers over my head to retain warmth, and shiver in the shower in the mornings. I don't have a thermometer, but I am pretty sure that these are signs that it is cold. So why was I bombarded by insects today? Some found their ways into my house, some were flying around in the classroom, there we a couple flying in the toilets, and I was afraid to look ahead or to breath on the way home because of all the insects. When I got home I was covered with bug guts, and had some lucky ones caught in my hair. What is Mother Nature thinking?

I must tell you about my fortune. Last night I went to the "mall" to find some gloves (I need them since it cold). There were some MEGA-sales, I am assuming because of the construction inside the mall. Anyway, I got about 40 slices of ham for 250 yen (that's cheap even in America). Then I bought snowboarding gloves for myself. In fact, thedeals t this store were so great, I bought my brother a pair of gloves, scarf, and a headwarmer. How much do think these name brand items added up to? The regular prices were 2900, 1900, 1900, and 1900 yen. But I got the whole enchilada for a mear 800 yen. That's right! EIGHT HUNDRED YEN. What a steal! It cost more to send the gifts home. So I must inform everyone that there are bargains in Japan. You just have to look for them.

I have no other news that can top this, so you'll have to wait for another day.


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